My research focuses on the causes and consequences of violence, moral judgment and decision-making, and how social and behavioral boundaries are constituted and change. These interests are reflected in my current book project as well as my published papers and ongoing research. First, I study wartime defection, or how people shift stances from support for state violence to resistance and saving behaviors within the same violent episode. Second, I investigate the relationship between social boundaries and political behaviors, with a specific interest in how racial, ethnic, and religious cleavages inform and are transformed by extreme violence such as genocide. Third, I analyze the relationship between cultural cognition and social perception at the micro-level of decision-making on violence. Here, I focus on dehumanization and how timing influences cognitive and emotional adaptation to violence.
To view my publications, please click here.

Perpetrators considered to be "minor génocidaires" serve minimal sentences in Rwanda and can be re-integrated into society, but they must wear signature pink jumpsuits during the re-integration process and perform manual labor. (June 2008)

Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Center. (June 2008)

Ex-combatants from Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), forcibly repatriated to Mutobo, Rwanda, in a Demobilization and Integration Center. Many of these ex-combatants have been accused of looting, rape, and massacres in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide and in DRC since. At the Center, they undergo mandatory civilian training. (June 2008)

A classroom in Kaduha, Rwanda, untouched since the 1994 Genocide. (June 2008)