Luft, Aliza. “Sacred Treason: Race, Religion, and The Holocaust in France." Under contract with Harvard University Press.
Steve Hitlin, Shai Dromi, and Aliza Luft. (Eds.) 2023. "Handbook of The Sociology of Morality, Volume 2." Springer.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Luft, Aliza and Jelena Subotić. 2024. “Ethics of Archives: Improving Historical Social Science Through the Consideration of Research on Violence.” Social Science History.
Luft, Aliza. 2023. “The Moral Career of The Genocide Perpetrator: Cognition, Emotions, and
Dehumanization as a Consequence, Not a Cause, of Violence.” Sociological Theory, 41(4): 324-351.
2024 Winner, Clifford Geertz Award for Best Article in Cultural Sociology, ASA.
2024 Honorable Mention, Best Article Award, ASA Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity.
Article discussed on Sociological Theory podcast and Moral Matters, the ASA Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity podcast.
Article featured in ASA Footnotes: ASA's quarterly online member magazine.
Article featured, along with video interview, in University of California Office of the President systemwide course on Hate Crimes.
ASA top-10 most downloaded articles of 2023-24.
Luft, Aliza. 2023. “Genocide: Theories of Participation and Opportunities for Intervention.” Law & Social Inquiry, 48(4): 1251-1260.
Leader Maynard, Jonathan and Aliza Luft.* 2023. "Humanizing Dehumanization Research."
Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology.
* Equal authorship.
Luft, Aliza and Sue Thomson. 2021. “Race, Nation, and Resistance to State Symbolic Power in Rwanda Since the 1994 Genocide.” Global Historical Sociology of Race and Racism, Political Power and Social Theory. 38: 105-134.
Luft, Aliza. 2020. “How Do You Repair A Broken World? Conflict(ing) Archives after the
Holocaust.” Qualitative Sociology. 43: 317-343.
- 2021 Outstanding Published Article Award, ASA Peace War and Social Conflict.
Luft, Aliza. 2020. “Religion in Vichy France: How Meso-Level Actors Contribute to Authoritarian Legitimation.” European Journal of Sociology. 61(1): 67-101.
- 2021 Honorable Mention, Distinguished Article Award, ASA Sociology of Religion.
Luft, Aliza. 2020. “Theorizing Moral Cognition: Culture in Action, Situations, and Relationships.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. 6: 1-15.
Essay summarizing argument published in ASA Footnotes Special Issue on COVID-19.
Op-Ed summarizing findings published in SSRC Ideas; featured in The New York Times: What We’re Reading Now.
Luft, Aliza. 2020. "Three Stories and Three Questions about Participation in Genocide.” Journal of Perpetrator Research. 3(1): 196–206.
Luft, Aliza. 2019. “The Contribution of Social Movement Theory to Understanding Genocide: Evidence from Rwanda.” Contention: The Journal of Social & Political Protest. 7(2): 1-30.
Luft, Aliza. 2017. “Has the 2016 Election Institutionalized Systemic Social Exclusion and Violence in America—and Perhaps Paved the Way for Authoritarianism and the Possible ‘Social Death’ of Groups Perceived as Undesirable to the New Administration in Washington?” Jewish Social Studies. 22(3): 203-211.
Luft, Aliza. 2015. “Toward a Dynamic Theory of Action at the Micro-Level of Genocide: Killing, Desistance, and Saving in 1994 Rwanda.” Sociological Theory. 33(2): 148-172.
2015 Candace Rogers Best Student Paper Award, Eastern Sociological Society.
2015 Honorable Mention, Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award, ASA Collective Behavior and Social Movements.
Op-Ed summarizing findings published in The Washington Post; reposted on, MMC News, and Political Science Now.
Featured twice in The New York Times.
Luft, Aliza. 2015. “Genocide as Contentious Politics.” Sociology Compass. 9(10): 897-909.
Book Chapters, Reviews, Essays
Luft, Aliza and Joelle Rosenberg. “A Broader Historical Overview of Moral Theorizing in Sociology.” In: Oxford Handbook of Comparative Historical Sociology, Eds. Rebecca Emigh, David McCourt, and Dylan Riley. (Forthcoming)
Dromi, Shai M., Steve Hitlin, and Aliza Luft. 2023. "The Sociology of Morality: Looking Around, Looking Back, and Looking Forward." In: The Handbook of The Sociology of Morality, Vol. 2, Eds. Steve Hitlin, Shai M. Dromi, and Aliza Luft. New York: Springer.
Luft, Aliza. 2022. “Normalizing Violence: How Catholic Bishops Facilitated Vichy's Violence Against Jews.” In Politics, Violence, Memory: The New Social Science of The Holocaust, eds. Jeffrey S. Kopstein, Jelena Subotić, and Susan Welch. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Luft, Aliza & Jelena Subotic. 2022. "Ethics and Archival Research on Violence.” Broadstreet.
Luft, Aliza. 2021. “An Ordinary Tale of Solidarity and Survival? Reflections on Jacques Sémelin’s The Survival of the Jews in France, 1940–44.” In Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 39(2): 280-286.
Luft, Aliza. 2020. "Citizen Reporting as Social Control." Review Essay, "Judge Thy Neighbor: Denunciations in the Spanish Inquisition, Romanov Russia, and Nazi Germany." By Patrick Bergemann. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019. In American Journal of Sociology. 126(2): 453-458.
Luft, Aliza. 2020. Luft, Aliza. “Culture, Crisis, and Morality.” Footnotes, ASA monthly newsletter, special issue on COVID-19. 48:3.
Luft, Aliza. 2020. “Interdisciplinary Travels.” Reflections on Historical Sociology and Political Science. In Trajectories Newsletter of the ASA Comparative-Historical Sociology Section and APSA Comparative Politics Newsletter.
Luft, Aliza. 2018. "War, Women, and Power: From Violence to Mobilization in Rwanda and Bosnia Herzegovina. New York: Cambridge University Press." By Marie Berry. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018. In Mobilization: An International Quarterly. 23(4): 531-541.
Luft, Aliza. 2018. "The Roots of Ethnic Cleansing in Europe." By H. Zeynep Bulutgil. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. In The Journal of Politics. 80(2): 41-43.
Luft, Aliza. 2017. "Who Counts? The Mathematics of Life and Death after Genocide." By Diane M. Nelson. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2015. In Contemporary Sociology. 46(3): 341-342.
Luft, Aliza. 2016. “Women's and Feminist Activism in Eastern Africa.” The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, eds: Nancy Naples, Renee C. Hoogland, Maithree Wickramasinghe, & Angela Wong. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Luft, Aliza. 2016. “LGBT Activism in Eastern Africa.” The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, eds: Nancy Naples, Renee C. Hoogland, Maithree Wickramasinghe, & Angela Wong. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Luft, Aliza. 2015. "A Train in Winter: An Extraordinary Story of Women, Friendship, and Resistance in Occupied France." In Mobilizing Ideas.
Luft, Aliza. 2009. Teacher’s Accompaniment. Racial Domination, Racial Progress: The Sociology of Race in America. Matthew Desmond, Mustafa Emirbayer. McGraw Hill.
Works in Progress
Luft, Aliza. “Explaining French Bishops’ Support for the Statut des Juifs.”
Best Graduate Student Paper Award, Association for the Study of Nationalities
Elise Boulding Best Graduate Student Paper Award: ASA Peace, War, and Social Conflict Section.
Brady, David, Aliza Luft and Ezra W. Zuckerman Sivan. "How does culture matter for attainment, and how would we know if it did?" American Sociological Review (Conditional Accept).